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Keep the Momentum in the Summer!

For grades 7 through to University level Math, Statistics, and Chemistry.


“If you don’t use it, you’ll lose it.”

While students may not completely lose their knowledge and skills over the summer months, many don’t remember some concepts they learned the previous school year in September. I personally have vivid memories of my class telling my teacher, “Miss, you never taught us that!” When, in fact, she had.

Many parents will tell me that their student’s test scores are less than desirable in October and ask, “Why didn’t the teacher warn us?” The truth is, September is a hectic month for everyone. Also, by October, there are very few assessments to demonstrate to the teacher that there is an issue.

The solution is to be proactive and for your student to take responsibility for their own learning.

Continuing your learning during the summer months will keep the wheels turning. I’m not going to lie, having the motivation to practice math during the summer can be challenging when the weather is so nice. That’s why scheduling a meeting with a tutor weekly will ensure that your student is doing something.

With this service I give students a head start on the next school year’s curriculum. While we work together on problems, gaps will be identified and we can address those issues. We can also use their most recent report card to determine which outcomes need attention.

Those who’ve met with me during the summer months are much more confident and achieve higher grades in the proceeding year. What’s not to like about that?!

Appointments for this service are made week to week via weekly availability emails. Contact me to request placement on the summer mailing list (July-August) to remain informed of my availability. Payment is due within the hour of confirmation of the appointment; otherwise, it is made available to the next student.


Students Holding Testimonial Signs

“Over the summer I was dreading the statistics course I had to take in order to fulfill my degree requirement.  With the absence of math from my life for three years I knew that this course would be an obstacle for me.  With Sara’s patience and effective teaching skills I achieved great understanding and confidence with the course material, and even ended up enjoying the course as well.  Sara is not only an effective teacher, but a kind and gracious person who has helped me see my potential in the academic world.”


Taylor, PSYO 2501 (Statistics Methods for Psychology), Dalhousie University

Contact Me &
Let's Get Started

Get in touch with me for a free 15 minute consultation!

Halifax, Nova Scotia

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© 2023 by Ms. Teachalot 

I will respond to messages received Thursday evening-Saturday no later than Monday. I do not work Friday and Saturday. For an automatic response, please email me directly at I turn on my email automatic response Thursday-Sunday for a timely response regarding scheduling and any other important news.

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