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Grade 10 Math Preparation

For students entering grade 10 math.


Is your grade 9 student ready for grade 10 math? Why wait to find out in October when students receive their first test mark? It’s a big transition from middle school to senior high, math class included. Students are not ready for the change in pace and many have gaps in their knowledge and skills. Most will see a drop in their grades. And some will be shocked to learn that their middle school did not prepare them for grade 10 math, even though they were scoring in the 90’s.

In the summer months preceding their grade 10 year, students will benefit greatly from tutoring. With this service I give students a head start on the grade 10 curriculum (Math at Work, Academic Math, and IB Math, or equivalent in your province or state). While we work together on problems, gaps will be identified and we can address those issues. We can also use their grade 9 teacher’s feedback on their report card to determine which outcomes need attention. Students will be more confident and less anxious starting grade 10 math in a new and bigger school if they continue learning in the summer months.

There are two scheduling options:

  1. Appointments for this service are made week to week via weekly availability emails. Contact me to request placement on the summer mailing list (July-August) to remain informed of my availability. Payment is due within the hour of confirmation of the appointment; otherwise, it is made available to the next student.

  2. Depending on scheduling, some students may be preparing for their grade 10 math class during the school year. Scheduling for prep during the school year (September-June) is a weekly commitment and dependent on the semester. Contact me to request placement on the appropriate mailing list: Fall (September-December), Winter (January-April), or Spring (May-June). Payment for the following month’s appointments is due one week before the first of the month.


Students Holding Testimonial Signs

"Both of our kids have ADHD and a strong dislike of Math. Sara had the patience and skill set to work with them in a way that us and their teachers did not.  The hour each week that they spent with Sara made a huge difference in getting them through their high school math."


Parent of Math at Work Students

Contact Me &
Let's Get Started

Get in touch with me for a free 15 minute consultation!

Halifax, Nova Scotia

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© 2023 by Ms. Teachalot 

I will respond to messages received Thursday evening-Saturday no later than Monday. I do not work Friday and Saturday. For an automatic response, please email me directly at I turn on my email automatic response Thursday-Sunday for a timely response regarding scheduling and any other important news.

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